These conditions may be updated in the future. You must apply them within two months of them being changed.
See the history.
Zenned is a trademark of Alberto Salvia Novella (es20490446e). Third parties are only allowed to use the term “Zenned” by following the conditions in this document, to the extend that law allows.
The Zenned cat Kikat is a standalone work which isn’t covered by this trademark. It is made by Denis Sazhin. You can use it under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license, or by purchasing a commercial license on The Noun Project.
💽 Never provide Zenned preinstalled. But carried inside a bootable USB drive, built exactly as described in this website, that users install by themselves.
💻 Only sell computers or USB drives along with Zenned, or virtual machines preloaded with Zenned, if you bought the installation media directly from Zenned for each instance. Or under an agreement with the trademark owner.
🌴 But freely do the point above if you are a company or individual exclusively established in a country which gross domestic product is in the bottom half, or you are a non profit organization. Only when offering Zenned on these countries.
👕 Making and/or selling anything else is allowed, as long as you comply with the Kikat license.
🧑🎨 Whatever you create along with the Zenned trademark by yourself, do without implying it is in cooperation with Zenned. Instead state, in a highly noticeable way, who made it.
In case of doubt you can ask.